Technical Support
TRI Africa Environmental Services is an independent, third-party specialist consulting firm who is able to monitor, in real time, the daily installation and progress of all geosynthetic materials on-site though construction quality assurance services including state-of-the-art Electrical Leak Location surveying/testing. Un-associated with any contractor, installer, engineering or academic interest, TRI Africa is completely independent and works in non-competitive concert with all clients and sponsors. The services offered by TRI Africa Environmental Services are designed to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget, as well as ensuring compliance with all statutory requirements.
Our services assure compliance with every aspect as set out in international specifications, international test methods, material manufacturers installation guides, and governing project-specific regulations.
Companies involved in the handling of waste water must pay special attention to the correct containment of pollutants through suitable geomembranes that have been correctly installed, maintained and monitored.
The legal and regulatory requirements of South Africa regarding the handling and containment of waste and water are very clear and the issues of mining rights, water usage, water licensing, waste control, pollution prevention and health and safety have caused companies handling waste water, as well as design engineers and construction companies to ensure compliance and put guarantees in place for clients.
Quality Control
These companies are increasingly seeking independent, third-party professional assistance when constructing containment facilities to ensure that the total construction process is carried out in accordance with design requirements within legal and regulatory requirements.
Independent or third-party quality assurance and quality control has now become part of the construction process including the ability to detect any leakage of waste or clean water from these containment areas.
Ensuring the Integrity of Geomembranes
Ever-tightening requirements for the containment and handling of waste materials requires careful management to avoid falling outside of the strict environmental legislation and regulations. There are severe penalties in place to punish offenders, causing damage to company reputations that may prove to be costly.
Mitigation of these risks has led to companies involved in the specification, construction and management of containment areas taking extra precautions to ensure that their facilities are 100% compliant and regularly monitored to ensure that the lining systems remain fully functional at all times.